Brutality - When The Sky Turns Black

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  1. DarkDevil88

    User deleted

    Pale existence - Clouds encase the sky
    Rain falls swiftly - Lightning smashes earth
    Blackness expands - Doom lingers
    Rebelling forces - Nature cleansing
    Planet scum

    Time has passed - Stones cracked
    Tarnished with age
    Overgrowth secludes the tombs in dark silent stance
    Monument toppled - Washed away
    Memories of dead adrift

    Hollowness echoes - Shrieking sounds
    Power increases - Levels extreme
    Pounding jolts - Crash the hammer slams
    Atmosphere in chaos - Life extracted

    Evidence of death tolls - Choked in blinding fury
    Ruthless assault - Generations destroyed
    People lay wasted - Condemned
    Struggling to live - Change for forgiveness

    Lamenting slowly - Transcribing the texts
    Shrouds uncovered - Energies aligned
    Drawn into oblivion - Darkness unfolds
    Epidemic proportions - Fire and brimstone

    Running for cover - Souls embodied
    Sky turns black - Breath is sifted
    Out of lungs - Traumatic shock
    Will of the gods - Pray to save us

0 replies since 7/10/2010, 11:51   39 views